Quantum Voxis

Many people possess a minor or zero investment or finance knowledge. Changing this narrative is the core reason for creating Quantum Voxis. Inadequate investment knowledge cannot reshape the world or equip people with the skills or grit required to improve their mental capacity, financial discipline, or exposure. Quantum Voxis solves this issue by connecting people with investment education firms.
As Quantum Voxis matches people with investment education firms, they acquire investment education and discover eye-opening facts in the investment and finance world. In addition, they begin to make informed decisions and pass on their knowledge.
Quantum Voxis makes the connection to investment education firms as easy as registering on the website. People who want to connect to investment education firms should click the registration button on Quantum Voxis and submit their names, phone numbers, and emails. Registrants should double-check to ensure the information submitted on Quantum Voxis is error-free, as a representative from the education companies they are matched with will contact them.
Quantum Voxis realizes that numerous people have no idea of investment but are willing to learn. As a result, Quantum Voxis does not only link people with ample knowledge of investment with investment teachers but those who need to start from scratch.
As people register on Quantum Voxis, their data is received by investment education firms and connected to them. These firms contact people through the information received to onboard them.
Through the real-time connection, users need not wait for extra hours, days, weeks, or months before being connected to Quantum Voxis’s investment education partners.
Quantum Voxis ardently believes in inclusivity. Quantum Voxis charges nothing to connect people to suitable investment education firms.
In line with its goals of creating a financially literate world, Quantum Voxis identified cost as a barrier to education and opted to offer complimentary services. Quantum Voxis ensures that anyone curious about investment and finance can access suitable tutors for free.
Quantum Voxis offers the opportunity to connect to investment education websites to help people build on or diversify their knowledge by learning about investments.
Investment education helps people have a deep understanding of the ongoings in the investment world. Through investment education, people also react to and interpret investment matters.
Acquiring investment education may help people build the passion and determination to handle financial matters. Enroll for investment education by registering on Quantum Voxis.
Investing is a branch of finance that deals with buying assets in different forms that may yield future gains. Assets do not automatically increase in value or yield returns. The tendency of an asset to increase or decrease in value and make a return or loss is subject to market conditions, economic situations, or the investor’s understanding of the investment scene.
An investor may buy mutual funds, stocks, exchange-traded funds, or bonds based on their financial goals and other considerations. Investing is a risky financial process and requires extensive knowledge to navigate it. Register on Quantum Voxis to connect with investment education firms to learn how investing works.
Risks affect investments. Investment education can introduce people to those risks, the investment types they adversely affect, and their possible mitigation methods. While All investments are risky. Below, we discuss some investments on the lower end of the risk spectrum:
Dividend aristocrats are companies with a history of earnings, stability, growth, and dividend payment. These companies are included in the S&P 500 Index, have increased their dividends for at least 25 years, and have a $3 billion market cap. These companies may pay out dividends even in harsh economies.
The interest rates of high-yield savings accounts can be affected by market fluctuations. Yet, high-yield savings accounts may yield returns and prevent money loss on principal and interest. This FDIC-backed investment (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) has significant liquidity.
Treasury Securities — The U.S treasury securities are liquid and may not default in paying interests.
Money Market Mutual Funds — Money market mutual funds have short maturities, may pay minimal interest, and have lots of liquidities.
Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities — The Treasury inflation-protected securities are issued by the US Treasury and may yield returns based on inflation rates.
This low-risk investment can mature between five to 30 years and may employ a strategy for returns to withstand inflation rates. While treasury inflation-protected securities may offer a fixed interest rate and pay bi-annually, the principal value may increase or decrease when measured by CPI (Consumer Price Index) against inflation rates.
CDs allow money investment for a fixed period, and its returns may match or surpass that of high-yield saving accounts. Types of CDs are jumbo, add-on, IRA, bump-up, and no-penalty. Jumbo CDs require a large sum as a deposit. The minimum large deposit is relative to each entity involved in the investment. Register on Quantum Voxis to connect with an investment education firm to learn more about CDs.
Portfolio management entails selecting and monitoring assets meeting an investor's risk tolerance or financial goals. Retail and institutional investors build and manage portfolios through a firm grasp of diversification, rebalancing, and asset allocation.
Types of portfolio management are active, passive, discretionary, and non-discretionary. Active portfolio management uses strategies like constant asset buying, selling, and short-term investing to try for high returns and beat a particular market index or benchmark. This portfolio management style requires expertise, market forecasting, and research. Passive portfolio management imitates a particular benchmark or market index performance. This portfolio management style generates lesser fees than active portfolio management.
Discretionary portfolio management requires professionals to make investing decisions on behalf of an investor by considering their time horizon, risk tolerance, and investment goals. Non-discretionary portfolio management requires the full involvement and an investor's approval of assets to buy and sell assets. Here, the portfolio manager cannot act on their discretion. To learn more about portfolio management, register on Quantum Voxis.
Investment strategies help people identify how to approach investment. Strategies for investment include value investing, income investing, and dollar-cost averaging. Value investing is a long-term strategy that identifies supposedly underappreciated stocks with fundamental analysis and buys them at discounted prices. While the intrinsic value of these assets may not change, investors may get some returns on them due to short-term market price fluctuations.
Income investing aims for regular income through possible bond yields, interests, or dividends. Dollar-cost averaging is a long-term strategy used to try and minimize market volatility. These investment strategies may mitigate risks. We discuss some of the risks below:
Interest rate risks cause changes in interest rates for bondholders or fixed-income investors. Types of interest rate risks are basis, optionality, yield curve, and repricing risks. Investors may mitigate interest rate risks through hedging and diversification. Learn more about the different interest rate risk types by registering on Quantum Voxis.
Concentration risks affect investment values when investors commit their money to one asset that later underperforms. This risk also extends to investing in a single industry or country. Some ways to mitigate concentration risks include covered calls, diversification, and hedging.
Event risks impact investment performance negatively due to unforeseen circumstances like scandals, war, and natural disasters. Event risks may also harm a stock market price due to sudden corporate reorganization. Diversification may mitigate this risk.
Inflation risks arise when an investor's money experiences a decreased purchasing power. This risk often affects investments with fixed returns. Possible mitigation processes for inflation risks include investing in stocks or real estate, as they may override inflation. Want to learn more? Register on Quantum Voxis.
Risk analysis focuses on assessing securities for possible risks and making efforts to mitigate them. Risk analysis may be quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative risk analysis assigns numerical values to risks through mathematical models, while qualitative risk analysis builds theoretical models for risks based on people’s judgment.
Types of risk analysis are the root cause, needs assessment, business impact, and risk-benefits analysis. Root cause analysis focuses on identifying and uprooting risk causes. Needs assessment analyzes an investment’s current situation. Discover more about business impact and risk-benefits analysis by registering on Quantum Voxis and connecting to investment education firms.
Portfolio rebalancing is the process investors use to change a portfolio’s asset allocation value to the predefined value. This process is essential because it may eliminate emotional investing, thereby possibly minimizing risk exposure.
Rebalancing can change alongside an investor’s financial goal change. Professionals or retail investors can execute this process. Also, rebalancing can make portfolios stay matched to an investor’s risk tolerance.
While portfolio rebalancing has some pros, it has some demerits. Rebalancing a portfolio attracts transaction costs and may reduce net income. Minimizing risk exposure when rebalancing requires investment knowledge. Get investment knowledge from investment educators by signing up on Quantum Voxis.
The portfolio rebalancing types are calendar-based, trigger-based, constant mix, and smart beta rebalancing. Calendar-based rebalancing focuses on adjusting a portfolio quarterly or annually. Trigger-based rebalancing adjusts a portfolio when it exceeds predetermined values. For constant-mix rebalancing, the investor rebalances a portfolio by sticking to a set percentage of assets in a portfolio. Register on Quantum Voxis to learn more about rebalancing types.
People must compare the percent weights of each asset class with their asset allocation by using spreadsheets or other tools.
Observing the existing and planned asset allocation percentage differences. Investors make necessary adjustments if both percentages do not match.
After weighting the difference, investors may choose to sell the excess percentage of the assets in the portfolio.
Possible returns from the asset sale may be used to purchase assets needed to rebalance the portfolio.
At this stage, rebalancing a portfolio requires adding money to the existing portfolio to increase its value.
Investors calculate the difference between each asset's class' current and preferred value and invest added cash to compensate for the difference. Learn about portfolio rebalancing even without being an investor. Register on Quantum Voxis to connect with investment educators who will make that happen.
Investment learning is not exclusive to existing or future investors alone. People across different disciplines can acquire investment education to broaden their knowledge scope, get fresh viewpoints on issues, and have a more solid understanding of the investment world. Quantum Voxis only shares snippets of investment information. Get the scoop from investment education companies by registering on Quantum Voxis for free.